Why Hair Loss Happens and How to Fight Back?

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Hair loss has become a major headache in the last few decades. While men tend to lose hair from the temple and crown region, women’s hair loss is more scattered and occurs all over the head. To help everyone experiencing hair loss in 2021, we decided to partner with Lordhair – a global toupee brand – and rounded up 5 major reasons that cause hair loss.

Read on to discover the biggest reasons behind hair loss along with time tested ways to fight back. Let’s talk about the reasons behind hair loss first!

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is another term for male or female pattern baldness. It is a condition in which males tend to lose hair from the crown of the head and women face diffused hair thinning all over the scalp.

Androgenetic alopecia usually shows up in the mature years of our lives but can start sooner too. The best way to recover in the early stages of alopecia is consulting a dermatologist for medication.

Radiation Therapy Hair Loss 

Radiation therapies and treatments are used to fight fatal medical conditions like cancer. While the radiation destroys the cancer cells, it also affects the healthy cells of the body, including hair cells. Below are the ways to fight back against the side effects of radiation:

Proper diet: Consume a balanced diet to help recover hair loss after cancer treatment.

Relax: Allow your body to rest and adopt a sound sleeping routine of 7-9 hours.

Weather condition: After radiation treatment, our skin becomes highly sensitive. So, restrict exposure to direct sunlight, heat and cold.

Over Styling

You might be shocked to know that styling hair using a hair dryer or straightening iron can cause [hair loss], but it’s true. These styling tools are powered by heat and that heat makes the hair strands weak in the long run. In fact, it’s the most common reason behind [hair loss] among youngsters.

Limit the use of styling tools to check temporary [hair loss]. Add nourishing hair treatments to your wellness routine if your hair has already experienced a lot of damage.


Believe it or not, consuming large amounts of medicines is toxic and a lot of them cause [hair loss] in the long run. Some commonly used medications contain anticoagulants (blood thinner), such as heparin, and this leads to temporary [hair loss] in both men and women.

High doses of acne medicines, antifungals, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and blood pressure medications also cause [hair loss].

Hair Pulling Hair Loss 

Men and women with long hair often flaunt ponytails, wear bands and knit braids. While these hairstyles do look cool, they stress the hair a lot and the same can start [hair loss] around the temples and crown area.

Stylists highly recommend switching between hairstyles if you love hairdos that ‘pull’ the strands.

Recovery after Extreme Hair Loss 

In the case that your [hair loss] is hereditary or has aggravated to an extreme level of hair loss, we recommend buying a hair system to cope with the hair loss. Hair replacement systems provide both partial as well as full coverage to the head.

A hair system is made of natural hair integrated to a skin friendly base that covers the bald spot on the scalp. Below are the advantages of a hair system:

  • Quick results
  • Super affordable
  • Zero side-effects

What do you think about the above listed [hair loss] causes? Tell us in the comments! If you have some hair recovery secrets, share them with our community as well.