How to Help Students with Senior Secondary Exam Preparation?

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Senior secondary education is the senior-most phase of learning in the school lives of the students. It comprises academic classes eleventh and twelfth. Here the academic subjects go deeper and more complex. The duties and responsibilities of students also increase as they have to study effectively in their senior secondary learning to pursue their passion and develop a successful life for themselves in the future. It is the time from which students become more aware and independent for their learning. And during all this, a teacher’s guidance and help play a significant role.

Tips For Teachers To Help Students With Senior Secondary Exam Preparations

As we discussed above, in senior secondary classes, the academic subjects become difficult and deep. This means the level of exams also goes higher. Feeling stressed about how to carry out exam preparations has become a common problem with the students during these times. Let us discuss some tips that teachers can follow to aid the senior secondary exam preparation of the students.

1. Have Stress Buster Activities

Exams bring along a lot of stress and anxiety for students. In senior secondary classes, the academic subjects become more complex and the stress level also rises. But excessive amounts of stress can affect students’ health and studies. During these times, students need your guidance and support. All teachers must ensure to have some stress buster activities in the class to make students feel light and cheerful.

You can have extracurricular activities to make students feel active, and have a break from regular academic classes. Or you can have some interesting classroom activities like playing quizzes, and having questions and answering rounds. These activities will be informative as well as stress busters for students.

2. Solve Sample Papers in the Class

Only asking students to solve sample papers at home might not work that well. Some will follow your instructions seriously and some might not do it as well. To ensure that all students get to check how much they know, where they are lagging, and what more can be done for improvement, making them solve sample papers and previous year’s papers in the classroom is a great idea. By making students solve these papers in the class, you can also help them get familiar with the exam patterns.

You can also explain to them the questions that have been asked repetitively in different papers. For example, if you are teaching chemistry to class eleventh, you can find class 11 chemistry sample papers on the internet. Make your students solve the questions in the class. Attend their doubts and help them to prepare for the exams better.

3. Provide Students with Notes

We all know, the more we revise from standard study material, the better we score in the exams. Many times, students don’t prepare class notes effectively. And only using textbooks for quick revisions becomes difficult for them. To overcome this problem, teachers can provide students with notes on the important lessons or on the ones that students find difficult to understand and comprehend. The notes provided by the teachers will help students to learn, revise and prepare for the exams better.

4. Have Revision Classes

In senior secondary education, the exam syllabus is vast. The whole textbooks come for the final exams as well in the twelfth board. To ensure that students understand all the lessons well, conducting revision classes will surely help. What teachers can do is wind up your syllabus promptly, so that you can manage to conduct effective revision classes for the students. In these revision classes, you can summarise the lessons taught once again. This will brush up the understanding and memorizing skills of the students.

5. Share Eexam Giving Tips

To help students in exam preparation, sharing with them some exam giving tips will help. For example, you can ask them to attempt the paper neatly, avoiding overwriting and cuttings. You can ask them to make the paper look presentable by maintaining the right serial order of answering the question paper. Ask them to work on their time management and complete the paper at least fifteen minutes before the overtime so that they revise the answer sheet too. These tips are of great help to students.


Eleventh and twelfth classes are the senior-most learning classes of the students. The senior secondary examination holds a lot of importance in the educational lives of students. To ensure that students prepare well for their exams, teachers must take some necessary steps. By following the above-mentioned tips, teachers can help students to have a good academic understanding, better comprehension, and effective preparations to score better in the exams.