How To Wear Lipstick On Chapped lips?

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Winters and chapped lips go hand-in-hand. In fact, sometimes, the lips can get so chapped that even a good quality lipstick after makeup online shopping fails to hide the dryness on it. As long as you are with your known ones, this might not seem to be a problem. But if you are on a date or even at a party, you might want to buy the right product to help you. However, no product can cure this problem unless you know how to go about it the smart way.  

Here’s how to wear lipstick properly on chapped lips and give your makeup look a seamless finish.

1. Glossy Over Matte

Chapped lips can look even worse when you apply Matte lipstick on them. It doesn’t matter how much fortune you spent on that particular Matte lipstick during makeup online shopping. It might fail to work. On the other hand, selecting a glossy lipstick could be a blessing in disguise. They add an extra shine to your lips that help disguise the dryness on your lips and make them look fresher than ever.

2. Run A Quality Check

Ensuring that you buy good-quality lipsticks is essential to prevent your lips from looking more chapped. That is why finding out whether your lipstick includes the right quantities of oil and pigmentation is necessary. You must also consider your skin type and how far your lips might get chapped to purchase lipstick accordingly. This can help you make your makeup online shopping worth it.

3. Use A Tinted Lip Balm

The best makeup item to cover up those chapped lips and provide a pop of colour to your lips would be using tinted lip balm. These lip balms can help keep your lips hydrated throughout the day while keeping you day-ready with its pop

of colour to your lips would be using tinted lip balm. These lip balms can help keep your lips hydrated throughout the day while keeping you day-ready with its pop of colour. So, you can have the best of both worlds without compromising on anything. Invest in such makeup products while you visit a beauty shop online.

4. Don’t Overdry Lipstick While Removing.

The best way to do this is by soaking your lips with a cotton pad using Micellar water. So, if you use such hydrating techniques to remove lipstick instead of scrubbing it off, the dryness is reduced considerably. You could also apply Coconut oil to moisturize your lips and avoid the chapped lips later. This will help you to apply your lipstick even more seamlessly next time.

5. Exfoliate Your Lips

The best way to avoid chapped lips is to remove the dead skin cells that cause them to occur. So, before you apply your lipstick, exfoliate your lips using a tablespoon of Brown Sugar and another tablespoon of Coconut Oil. Rinse off with water and apply lipstick after that. You will be able to experience smooth lips like never before.

Chapped lips are a genuine problem. So, instead of investing a fortune in makeup online shopping, spend some time following these tips for the perfect solution. We promise; they work.