Not Just for the Skin: How Can Oats Support Hair Growth? 

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The majority of the beauty products that flock to markets are made to cater to skin problems. For many, healthy skin is believed to be a reflection of your age and your health. However, due to the increase of ingredients said to improve skin health, many people always have a hard time choosing the best ones. Of all the natural sources and nutrients you can use for your skin, oats are also highly recommendable and commendable ingredients for your hair products.

What are the benefits of using oats for hair growth, and will it be beneficial to have them as ingredients in your serum and shampoo for hair growth and thickness? Organize your thoughts and learn what oats can do to improve one’s hair condition.

Thoughts on Oats: How Can These Whole Grains Benefit the Hair?

Oats or Avena sativa are whole grains that can offer heaps of health benefits, including to your hair and scalp. Here are the top reasons why you should definitely make oats a part of your hair care treatment.

1. They can mildly exfoliate your scalp.

Gentle exfoliation is not only given to your body and facial skin, but it is also beneficial to your scalp. Exfoliating your pate helps eliminate eminent factors that trigger hair growth issues, such as dandruff, sebum, bacteria, and fungi. Here’s the awesome news: oats are popular natural exfoliators, gentle yet effective in removing dirt and dead skin cells that have accumulated on your scalp. You can either mix some oats on your favorite hair growth shampoo or buy an oatmeal shampoo as your hair cleanser.

2. They can get rid of your greasy-hair nightmares.

Dealing with oily hair every day is never easy, especially when this hair care issue happens to ruin a special day or event of your life. Not only does touching your oily hair and scalp feel sticky, slippery, and appalling, but it may lower your morale. But don’t worry, for oats can be used to save your hair in distress. Oats have oil-absorbing properties that can eliminate the excess sebum on your hair and scalp. Hence, it would be helpful to add a spoonful of oats to your DIY hair mask. Allow the oats to sit on your hair and scalp and soak the surplus sebum that causes your greasy-hair nightmares.

3. They can free you from dandruff problems.

Snowflakes are beautiful, but they don’t look appealing when you see them scattered on your pate and shoulders. Dandruff poses a risk to hair growth if left untreated, which is why you need to eliminate this problem as soon as possible. Thankfully, oats have saponins or chemicals that can remove the dandruff flakes and prevent them from sticking on the scalp’s surface, which is why oats are potential ingredients in anti-dandruff shampoos.

4. They can preserve all the moisture your hair needs.

Moisture should never be left out of the conversation, especially when you’re talking about hair issues. Oats have high moisture content, which can be rooted in their extensive B-vitamin levels. As a result, these whole grains have unbelievable humectant properties, soaking water and preserving it for good. Oats retaining moisture is why oats belong to the top-notched ingredients for skin moisturizers and hair conditioners.

5. They can also make your hair strands plump and tensile.

Believe it or not, oats are plump in nutrients that can assist healthy hair growth. These whole-grained foods contain fiber, a nutrient that your strands need to appear fuller and thicker. When consumed, the fiber content from oats also assists your body’s absorption of other nutrients and antioxidants that can benefit your hair follicles, and of course, hair growth.

Make an Oath to Keep Your Hair Healthy with the Help of Oats.

Oats may be just small whole grains, but collectively, they can provide tons of benefits to one’s hair. Not only are they healthy for the body, but they are also loaded with growth-boosting, anti-dandruff and moisturizing properties that can make beautify you inside and out. Therefore, reinforce your hair care regimen by adding oats and oat-enriched hair growth products so that you can rock any hairstyle anytime and anywhere.